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Amadeo Pietro Giannini (1870-1949) - gave loans to vitcimes of SF Quake of 1906

Business People

George Chaffey (1848 -1932) built canal to bring water to Imperial Valley

Charles Crocker (1822-1888)

Edward L. Doheny (1856-1935) discovered oil in Southern CA

Henry J. Kaiser (1907-1967) built cargo ships used in WWII

William Mulholland (1855-1935) built LA Aquaduct

Leland Stanford (1824-1893)

Levi Strauss (1829-1902)

John Augustus Sutter (1803-1880)


William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951)

Robert Maynard (1937-1993) Oakland Tribune


Steve Jobs (born 1955) co-founder of Apple Computer

William Hewlett (1913-2001) co-founder of HP

David Packard (1912-1996) co-founder of HP

Steve Wozniak (born 1950) co-founder of Apple Computer

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